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Effective, Safe & Personal


Please read the content of the Pre and After care of the treatment you have booked with Skin Vanity.


Before Treatment

Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinol, Retinoids, Glycolic Acid, or any “anti-aging” products.

Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or using hair removal cream on the area to be treated, 48hrs before treatment.

 Arnica is great to take prior to the  procedure. (This is not required, but it will help to lessen bruising.)

Avoid alcohol, aspirin 72hrs prior to the treatment.

Avoid any cardio exercise 24hrs prior to treatment.


No saunas, sunbeds, steam rooms, hot tubs or swimming for 7 days.

No flying for 2 weeks 

No kissing for 24hrs

No alcohol, aspirin or caffeine for 24hrs

No exercise for 24hrs

No spicy or salty foods 24hrs

No make-up for 24hrs

Avoid touching the area on the day of your treatment.

Keep the area very clean, use a clean pillowcase the day off your treatment.


One of the most common side effects of getting lip fillers is swelling. Often patients worry that their lips look swollen and much larger than their anticipated. But don’t panic. Swelling and tenderness after lip fillers are perfectly normal. As the hyaluronic acid in the filler is a water loving molecule and binds with the skin's natural water supply, the lips become swollen as the body's natural response it tries to restore its natural balance. The swelling normally lasts a day or two but on occasions may last a little bit longer. 

As one of our most popular cosmetic procedures, this treatment has helped countless clients feel more confident and happier in their own skin. Our team works closely with each client to understand exactly what they’re looking for and ensure they get exactly those results. For more information on this service or any of the other services, get in touch with us.



No alcohol or aspirin 24hr prior to treatment, avoid exercising before your appointment.


Do not massage or rub the treated area, for 24hrs.

Avoid facials for 2 weeks.

Do not bend over or lie down for at least 4 hours.

Exercising the treated muscles by tensing them and relaxing them for the first hour after treatment can help the toxin settle into your muscles.

Do not exercise, sauna, sunbeds, hot tubs or swimming for 48 hours after having your treatment as these activities break down the toxin and will make the treatment less effective.

Do not fly for 48hrs after treatment.

Botulinum Toxin takes from 5 to 14 days to become effective. This is dependent on the strength of the muscles injected and the individual response.

Treatment with Botulinum Toxin is temporary and to maintain the effects, treatment is recommended every 3 to 6 months.

Different lifestyle factors will affect the length of time your Botulinum Toxin will last.

Using only state-of-the-art technology, we guarantee this treatment will exceed your expectations. This service is highly customizable so that each client can achieve their desired results without compromise. If you’re interested in this service contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced team members.



Vitamin B12 has many roles in your body. It supports the normal function of your nerve cells and is needed for red blood cell formation and DNA synthesis. Vitamin B12 may benefit your body in impressive ways, such as by boosting your energy, improving your memory and helping prevent heart disease. Vitamin B12 Plays a vital role in helping your body produce red blood cells. Low Vitamin B12 can cause a reduction in red blood cell formation and prevent them from developing properly. Healthy red blood cells are small and round whereas they become larger and typically oval in cases of vitamin B12 deficiency. Due to larger and irregular shape the red blood cells are unable to move from the bone marrow into the bloodstream at an appropriate rate, causing megaloblastic anaemia.
When your anaemic, your body doesn't have enough red blood cells to transport oxygen to your vital organs. Clients can rest assured that our beautiful, clean and private facilities will ensure their highest level of comfort. 

PLEASE READ before booking please get advice from your DOCTOR if you have any of the following.

Allergic reaction to hydroxocobalamin.

Have been told you have low levels of potassium.

Have an irregular heartbeat.

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